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Re: Your daemons

PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 5:52 pm
by SoulLily
My OkCupid test results:

Independent Soul.
-9 Extroversion, 4 Sensitivity, and 10 Openness
Suggested forms: Peregrine Falcon, Snowy Owl, Snow Leopard, Siberian Tiger, Osprey.

Truth is I never even considered a single one of those forms before. My analysis wasn't all that accurate either... I still like the Darwin's fox idea, but I'm also considering a Sokoke cat now. And the falcon sounds cool; I'll have to look at some bird analyses soon.

Re: Your daemons

PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 2:26 pm
by Acchon
I really could not tell my daemon was a cat, since I am a dog-person O.o

Re: Your dæmons

PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:33 pm
by monster8532
try me i like sports ill try anything once hate math and i hate when people tell me what to do I'm supposed to be smart but i don't try hard at very much except for football(American not English). Idont really care what people think about i have a lot of friends and i like to ahng out with them

Re: Your dæmons

PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:51 pm
by Philharmonic
Let's see, social, active, hates orders...I wouldn't be surprised to see you as a ferret or weasel or chipmunk. Maybe a cat, but they aren't very social. But then dæmons aren't exactly the same as the person.

So, here's me.

Independent, not all too social, hate doing work, being bossed around, like destruction, fairly active, king of procrastinators-or whatever the word is.

Re: Your dæmons

PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:41 am
by monster8532
if when you say bossed around you do get bossed around i would say German shepherd if not then i don't know maybe Komodo dragon

btw-I always did like ferrets and weasels so maybe

Re: Your dæmons

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:11 pm
by Philharmonic
i meant hate doing work and hate being bossed-so a komodo dragon...interesting

Re: Your dæmons

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:35 am
by Silverfist
Here's me:
I am very musical, I can understand/know what they're about/see right through a person after knowing them not that long, am quite dogmatic about some of my views (ex: my taste in music, my hate of homework), have good reflexes, fast hands and feet (I am a drummer/saxaphonist), generally have good timing/coordination, those who know me well appreciate me, I'm a decent actor, I'm sometimes stubborn about random things for no reason at all, and I LOOOOOOVE coffee.

Re: Your dæmons

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:26 pm
by shady
they changed site,so did they moves quiz?`coz i wanna take it,and i cant find it on the website :cry:

Re: Your dæmons

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:08 pm
by Stelmaria7
I just want to see what people think my daemon would be. I'm shy in school and I don't like to work in groups or do group projects. I'm a perfectionist. My favorite class is English. I can't stand Math class as i suck at any kind of math. I want to be a librarian. I fidget with everything and so i have the nike name Fidget, I act very blond. I can be very hyper arround my friends, I don't have that many friends but more of a variety. People say i'm easy to get along with, smart and carring.

Re: Your dæmons

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:06 am
by shady
I took only one test(and i aint gonna try others `coz i like this one)it was from the original GC site and it appeared that i have a dæmon Jackal:

Re: Your dæmons

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:33 pm
by nat_could_tell_u

Re: Your dæmons

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2009 9:12 pm
by Stelmaria7
Silverfish- I think your daemon would be somesort of song bird, because you like music and can see through people right away. Like you know if they are trustworthy or what ever. Mabe an Robin.

Re: Your dæmons

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2009 8:46 pm
by VMLM3
Ok, try this one out:
I'm a very laid back sort of person, I guess I'm lucky that way, I don't stress easily and I can take most challenges/criticism calmly and intelligently. I'm also very open minded and thoughtful, I try very hard to not categorize/judge/misinterpret people/feelings/situations/etc. I'm very playful, I like sports, games, making up stupid little games for absolutely no reason, given a long enough time with anybody I can guarantee we'll end up joking and making fun of random things. I'm also very fond of discussion, I can really get into a good descussion given a willing sparring partner.
I LOVE reading, when I have enough spare time I'll devour any book I might find that looks interesting, though usually I'm so bogged down with schoolwork, thesis, assorted projects that I'll probably only get some good reading done edgewise while at the same time reading technical stuff like text books, manuals, articles,etc.
I tend to have a plan in everything I do, I'm very strategic in that sense... If some friends and I are organizing an outing to the beach, I'm the one making sure everybody's on board the day before, making sure we've got everything we need (food, parasols, transportation, etc.), if there's volley ball courts or something we can rent, I call a week before .. that sort of thing. I probably won't tell anybody what I'm doing or come off as the organizer, I'll just make sure everything's set so we can have a good time, if nobody actually notices, so much the better.
I'm a fast worker, but I tend to think too much. If it's the first time I do something I tend to overanalize... If I'm figuring out a specific problem but find something really interesting that I want to learn while doing it, I'll tend to spend more time on that and might not go back to the original problem until my interest is fully sated
Although I'm not very talkative AT FIRST, I tend to be friendly to everyone I meet, on the grounds that everybody deserves a chance and that I don't want to write anybody off simply on a bad first impression. I'm also extremely honest and very open about the way I talk to people, I WILL tell you I don't like that shirt, your love interest, if I don't like you, if you've said something offensive, etc.
I'm very private and very discrete about personal stuff however, I won't be telling you about problems I may be having unless I trust you completely, I don't brag (I think it's bad taste), I don't discuss work or specific activities unless I'm with people who are involved in said activities, etc.
I'm very loyal and committed to my friends, I'll go out of my way in a heartbeat to help a good friend, but I tend to choose who my friends are very carefully. I have maybe 5 people who I consider my closest friends, an assortment of people I know are reliable and trustworthy based on past experience, work and otherwise, and a lot of acquaintances.
I guess one of my biggest flaws is that I can be very insensitive. It's not that I'm callous, I just don't like drama.
Wow, THAT's a mouthtful xD.

I took that OkCupid test, gotta say I liked it, here's the result:

Your result for The Golden Compass daemon Test ...
Opinionated Soul

You are a confident and talkative personality. Occasionally people are hurt by the jokes you make, or the things you say. If they are, though, they should tell you. You would tell them. You don't like passive aggressive people who get upset or hurt but then don't say anything - instead mentioning it to a friend of yours later, or in a blog post or email. You have no patience for this kind of behaviour. If someone says something that offends you, you tell them, and you would expect the same courtesy in return.

Your loved ones know that you are not as callous as some people think you are. In fact, you don't like truly cruel people, and you are quick to defend underdogs. You are simply open about your opinions, and you enjoy a good joke. You don't want to have to - and shouldn't have to - alter or moderate your behaviour just because somebody touchy is in the room.

You love to spend time with your friends, but you are selective about who you call "friend". You don't have much patience with most people. The people whom you admit to your inner circle are people whom you can respect, and who are able to deal with your quick temper and brash humour.

Your daemon's form would represent your confident, impatient nature, and your opinionated ways. He or she would probably enjoy sparring verbally with you, and would make jokes in your ear at other people's expense.

Suggested forms: Blue Jay, Terrier, Go-Away Bird, Turaco, Mockingbird, Amazon Parrot.

Hell, I'd definitely enjoy a a mokingbird on my shoulder who constantly discussed anything with me and made offhand comments about everything, that sounds sort of like me xD.

Re: Your dæmons

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2009 11:34 am
by LadyHawke
Where is the test?

I took a spirit journey long ago to discover my totem, which is the same thing as a daemon. I am not sure how accurate those tests are, seein as we don't always see ourselves as we truly are, and we would describe ourselves in ways that others mite not. I was into shamanism, and took the journey when my daemon wudda 'settled', and I know it to be the falcon. I remember I wanted something else at first, but now I cuddn't be more content.

Re: Your dæmons

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2009 1:36 am
by VMLM3 ... d%C3%A6mon

there you go. It's a bit long, and I have no idea just how accurate it actually is xD. My theory is it's not accurate at all, it'll just spew out something based on your interpretation of the questions and you'll see just how well it fits your self image.

Pretty damn fun xD.

Re: Your dæmons

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2009 9:46 am
by kaoshoneybun
I got a rabbit on hat test and the personality description was v.accurate!
Which is more than can be said of the official Golden Compass test when their website was running which kept giving me various cats and monkeys.

Re: Your dæmons

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2009 12:20 pm
by LadyHawke
I took the test, came out as a gecko or something, but I also didn't really have a good answer to some of the questions. One, for instance, was I only had 2 choices, one was a world where everyone worshiped and adorned me (NO WAY) or a world where I and I alone could smack someone.(ANOTHER BIG NO WAY) Those kind of questions didn't give me an answer I liked, and some of the questions were even murkier for me. I never liked any kind of test like that. Like the ones in the magazine, 'Are you in love?" I mean, would I need a test to tell me that?

BUT- I DID read the 'peregrin falcon' personality on the site, and THAT fit me to a 'T'. Kinda creepy, actually, how spot on it was..... :shifty: And just to make sure it wasn't me in denial about myself, I described it to hubby and he agreed it fit like a glove. Funny, the bobcat one fit him, too.....

Re: Your dæmons

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2009 4:22 pm
by VMLM3
HOw did you read the other descriptions? Did you retake the test?

Re: Your dæmons

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2009 8:10 am
by kaoshoneybun
LadyHawke wrote:One, for instance, was I only had 2 choices, one was a world where everyone worshiped and adorned me (NO WAY) or a world where I and I alone could smack someone.(ANOTHER BIG NO WAY)

I had the same qualms about this!! Was shouting at the computer LOL

Re: Your dæmons

PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2009 4:25 pm
by LadyHawke
At least I'm not the only one that shouts at the computer..... :lol:

HOw did you read the other descriptions? Did you retake the test?

Here is the link to check out the personality profiles. I looked up 'quick analyses,' but there are more in-depth descriptions as well.

Naw, I ent much for tests. :wink: