5 New Golden Compass Stills
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Tai over at X-Realms alerts us to these five new stills from The Golden Compass. There’s a shot of Lyra and Roger on Jordan rooftops – with daemons intact – two of Iorek, one of Ragnar (Iofur) atop his throne and one of Daniel Craig as Lord Asriel in the north. You can view the images in our movie gallery, or click the thumbnails below.

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5 Responses to 5 New Golden Compass Stills

  1. Christy says:

    Wow, these are very cool, thanks for posting them, and I’m still annoyed how they changed his name to Ragnar, but ak well what’ya gonna do.

  2. Shame they aren’t new in the sense that we’ve already seen these in the comic-con footage, but that’s not your guys’ fault! 🙂

  3. Will says:

    I can rarely screengrab without getting some sort of blur in the still, so officially released images are always good by me.

  4. John says:

    that bear is sweet!!!

  5. tato says:

    sweet?its perfect and anger, i love it. its so weel done. nobody can conplain about the cgi stuff.