Donna Freitas interviews Philip Pullman
Posted on by jessia

An interview of Philip Pullman by Donna Freitas, co-author of “Killing the Imposter God: Philip Pullman’s Spiritual Imagination in His Dark Materials”, has been uploaded to YouTube. In it, he discusses the almost-divinity of Dust and its manifestation in the world as consciousness and intelligence. There are five videos in all, touching on religion, story-telling and everything else that’s been discussed in the news recently. View them here on YouTube. Here’s the video on “Nature and Meaning of Dust” to get you going:

About jessia

Jess is a time and a place.
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7 Responses to Donna Freitas interviews Philip Pullman

  1. Pingback: Waiting for Lyra: Superb Pullman Interview « educating alice

  2. Michael says:

    This woman is propagating some pretty scary and retarded things on her site for example the ex-gay movement. This is part of the agenda to make us believe that this is really a christian book/film! What is next? Pullman meets the pope?
    Her bright grinning hair waving wishy-washy religious crap makes me want to throw up!

  3. Dedalus153 says:

    What in the world are you talking about? No one is talking about the books or the film advocating a Christian world view. She’s merely noting that the book series has some profound meaning and could very easily be viewed as having an underpinning sophisticated pantheistic theology behind it. Tons of people on the forums have said the same thing. And incidentally, pantheism is almost as dirty a word as atheism to most Christians. Even Pullman said she was dead on with what the line she was investigating. After all, your really advanced theologians have been talking about the “death of God” since the sixties. They just don’t do it from the pulpit. And I’m not seeing all the “scary” or “retarded” things on her site.

  4. Goblin says:

    I think it is great that the writers have made changes to the film and twisted the story. It adds excitement and interest to what is going to happen next, it would be boreing if it was the same as the book. I see Lyra and her best friend Roger going on more journey into un-known worlds. Am maybe even Lyra is kidnapped and Roger saves her and maybe the film of the last book Roger sacrifices his own life to save Lyra.

  5. Finn says:

    Once again the Christian authorities have to pick up their sword and shield (big sword, small shield) to defend the delicate, fragile minds of their parishioners. They’ve created an environment where the masses have to be spoon fed what they know and would have to look up the word “research” in the dictionary. It’s sad indeed that institutions don’t have faith enough to put trust into people’s ability to watch a movie and not be converted to Satanism. Haven’t they done enough damage with their promotion of cultural division and supernatural paranoia to frighten the masses for an eon? Christians will watch TV all night long which takes time away from the family and feed their faces until the fat is seeping out of their pores but they will rally behind popular media. Disgusting. Watch the movie and contemplate. At least exercise the one thing you don’t have to move.

  6. Matthias's Sister says:

    Goblin…. -_-;;; have you even read the books? Or maybe you’re just reading the first one? If so, I don’t want to spoil it for you, but I think that having Roger be in the other two films would make the plot *too* far from the original and cause tons of complications…

  7. my sister and i loves to read christian books because it inspires us to live life in its fullest *“