The Golden Compass – New Clips
Posted on by Will have 11 clips from The Golden Compass for you to view on their website. Most of them you will already have seen, but there are a couple of new ones. However, I would reccommend anyone not wishing the movie to be spoiled too much should wait for the movie to come out. Only a week away now!

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6 Responses to The Golden Compass – New Clips

  1. Ashe says:

    It was so tempting that I did watch a few of them but I regret it now. I need better will power! What I did see I enjoyed very much, though. 🙂

  2. max alexandre says:

    Wonderfull! The final battle will be great! I love the score from this scene.

  3. Luis says:

    Iorek´s are the best

  4. Wiezel says:

    Will, we can’t wait to long. Here, in Brazil, the movie will come down on december 25 th.

  5. Wiezel says:

    I mean come out (not come down)

  6. Luis says:

    Right, Wiezel.
    But guys from the press will get to see it sooner.
    I pray some friend of mine will give me the opportunity to go to a “cabine”!!